Hello, Jane here

So you’ve decided to begin cross-stitching. Well, good for you. Without a doubt, you will find this endeavor to be both rewarding and frustrating (at times). Personally, I have been cross stitching for nearly 40 of my 73 years and even during the times of frustration have enjoyed it immeasurably.

Can I say you will enjoy it? Well, maybe or maybe not. A lot of that depends on you as an individual. Does it take patience? Absolutely! Does it take a great deal of skill? Not particularly. Is it for everybody? Of course not, no more than football, hunting or shopping is for everybody.

So you’re probably wondering if I’m telling you this to discourage you. No, but I want you to be aware of what you may be getting yourself into. For many people, including myself, cross-stitch is almost like a drug……. addictive. If you take it up and it doesn’t become an addiction that’s fine. But, if your significant other tells you that you spend too much time sitting while stabbing a needle into fabric, you might consider yourself a cross stitch addict.

Regardless, whatever you’re looking for when it comes to cross-stitch, Dan and I hope we can help to guide you along your path. And we also hope that you do find it as rewarding as we have over these many years.

Keep coming back to CrossStitchX.com for additional articles, counted cross stitch patterns and other pieces of advice or ideas. And keep in mind there’s a whole section for beginners and we encourage you to check this out first.

Happy Stitching,